Thursday, October 7, 2010

Both sides of the spectrum

So at 24 I find myself ridiculously out of shape...

A "has been" in the world of health. Who I once was, an always on-the-go high school athlete, turned college kids who very rapidly slumped off the health and exercise radar, with absolutely no motivation to go back. Beer pong, college football viewing and substantial weight gain later I looked in the mirror, reminisced at old photos and there was something that needed to change.

Enter present day.

I live with my best friend, a gorgeous redhead, stands about 5' 9" and weighs about 150, if that. (dear Passage, if I just got your weight extremely off, you can hate me :)) She's always been active, can eat like a 16 year old boy going through puberty, and manages to stay the size of my left thigh. She's incredible. Not to say she doesn't have to work for it, just substantially less than some of us other women... So our lifestyle is that of two bachelorettes living in an apartment in Grand Rapids, we have our fair share of "late nights" and "college football Saturdays" but for the most part we tend to eat healthy(ish) and consciously.

Around August of this year, a couple of guy friends of ours joined a mixed martial arts gym and asked if we had an interest. Amanda (No I unfortunately don't speak in third person, my roommate and I share the same name.) joined a week or so before me due to scheduling stuff, but by the end of July we were all on track. It was neat. We did things like body sculpt class (weight lifting of legs, arms and core) and aerobic kickboxing (the closest thing to a death wish possible) It sucked and was so fun all in the same sentence. You sweat (We're talking dripping, not a glisten of perspiration.) and your entire body hurts, but a month or so into it we had more energy than before.

We were going pretty strong, even hit a few weeks going 4 days in a row (Friday's are saved for social events, obviously). I was frustrated in the beginning because I hadn't seen physical results, but that began too, right about the time we stopped. ugh.

Enter the downfall.

Two weekends ago we went to Michigan State for the Northern Colorado game and somehow ( I act like it was unexplainable) ended up drinking Busch all night. (We did however party with my parents and we got to school my father in quarters, which I'll forever smile about.) Next, I had several late nights at the office that led up to two 14-hour work days at a tradeshow in Traverse City at the end of last week. (Mind you- exercise class starts at 6:05pm, so any late work nights and your basically SOL for the classes we attend.) So that was four days off from the gym PLUS heavy eating and drinking. Not good. To continue my demise, I ended up going home this past weekend to hang out with my family and boyfriend, which in turn becomes endless amounts of "home-cooked" meals, desserts and wine. I took Monday off of work for a personal day and FINALLY made it back to GR by Tuesday morning. One can imagine the amounts of work to catch up on being out of the office for three days, so that's my Tuesday excuse. Yesterday, I was just too plain tired to get the motivation. Another excuse. And tonight, I have plans to attend a haunted house with some friends. Excuse.

So the past week I've been completely unmotivated to do more than the minimal required of me at work, I've been in a sour mood, and beyond tired is an understatement of my condition. What the heck happened? Oh yeah, I stopped working out, eating healthy and ultimately, caring. Something so little. Something that I thought only affected the tenderness in my muscles and bones. Something that I obviously took for granted.

According to the Mayo Clinic, regular exercise does MUCH more than just make you sore. It can improve your overall mood, help fight diseases, promote better sleep and wayy more. ( People have said it all the time, but it wasn't until I realized it first hand how much of an impact it makes. So today I made a pledge to myself, and ultimately the people around me, to get back in shape. I'm happier, way funnier and more pleasant to be around.

And hey, if you're in the Grand Rapids area and wanna check out a great workout, come to Seung-Ni with us. 29th & Schaffer.... always an entertaining time.

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