Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Eastside. ::Enter super-hip hand gesture::

With all this centered attention on Detroit, whether it comes from the news, tv shows, sports teams or trending Twitter topics, I would like to address a habitual annoyance of mine.

Back in 2006 I moved from Mount Pleasant to Grand Rapids to complete my public relations and advertising degree from Grand Valley State University. (The 10 year plan at CMU wasn't doing much for my education, intelligence or new-found beer figure.) Amongst my first two months here I was involved in two car accidents (only ONE being my fault) and wanted nothing more than to retreat back to my parents house on the East side- where it was safe. (Many Detroit critics would argue that sentence is an oxymoron.) Upon a gentle request from my father, I stuck it out and gave it another shot. Here I still am, four years later.

I graduated in the spring of 2008 and miraculously landed a job with a pretty cool niche, full-service marketing firm in Ada. (The fact that I met my boss while bartending is merely semantics.) I began in the corporate world of life, experiencing about 15 or so life lessons a day. and fast. (My heart goes out to all college grads starting at the bottom.)

The thing about living/working in West Michigan, that is entirely different from Detroit and it's suburbs, is the attitude. the lifestyle. the people. the everything.

West Michigan goes by, well, West Michigan. They don't include themselves in the state as a whole. You're not from Grand Rapids, Mich., you're from West Michigan. You don't associate with the other side. You have your private donors whom fuel this economy that barely saw a recession over here. You have your prestigious school systems, the medical miracle mile and you're elaborate community structure. People compare your city to a smaller version of Chicago. It's like a cloud over here. West Michigan; it's own little world.

So one can assume, as I began to work, visit and travel the Grand Rapids area and suburbs, I too, became easily consumed by it. Why wouldn't you want to be from the part of the state that is thriving? The part that hosts city-wide art venues for aspiring artists. The city that believes in it's citizens and youth. The city that has an upbeat and lively downtown outlined by a beautiful fresh water coastline.

Reality always hit for me when I went home for visits. Friends, family, aunts, uncles, even MY father was laid off in the past 2 years. Life over there was chaotic. Finances were headaches. Business people with 20+ years experience were making minimum wage or unemployment. How weird it was to see so many superiors resent me for where I lived, what job I held and how excited I was to talk about how great life was.

Enter my longwinded annoyance...

Why does it have to be sides?

Why can't Grand Rapids pick up some Detroit slack? The money over here is abundant. We have countless venues, businesses, restaurants and organizations that love to pitch in and make a difference, what's a simple two hour drive? I feel like the stigma of Detroit has gotten out of hand. Too many critics who love to poke fun or stab at Detroit (no pun on crime rate), without knowing any real first hand experience of it , condemn it. People choose to look at the poor choices some key companies have made in Detroit in the past, and the unemployment rate, instead of the ridiculous potential it has.

Both Grand Rapids, Detroit and other cities statewide have collectively produced phenomenal results for this state, as cited in the history books. At one point Michigan was a serious contender in the national GDP. Let strive to go back there. Let's look to abandoned building as potential future businesses, homes, charity centers or public venues. Let's look to build the economy as a whole. There's so many great people, places and things in Detroit, why not check them out for yourself?

It's a straight shot across 96 East... just beware of the 80+ mph drivers that would rock "West Michigan."

Links to sites where you can learn, grow or get involved:

... AND I'm done ranting.


1 comment:

  1. LOVED THIS.. Barry, I love the way you write. We should write a book together, how fun? So proud of you and all you are accomplishing. Wow, fantastic. Much love my lady! xo.
