Wednesday, June 8, 2011

She's a BRICK (vinyl sided) ----house.

Welp, it's June 8th, 2011... 

This means a couple of things.

Most importantly- My dear grandpa turns 71 years old today. Happy Birthday Handsome!

I've been out of Grand Rapids for 46 WHOLE days.

Brian & I are anticipating closing on our first home in 22 days.

I will become Mrs. Amanda Sarkella in 486 days.


I can only learn to breathe, relax, smile and laugh at the thought of the statements above. Less than a mere two months ago I packed up my life into boxes and bins and moved 150 miles for the man I love.
Now, by faith, timing, stars aligning- call it what you want to- my life continues to excite and surprise, even myself.

We'll start with the house...

Brian and I began looking at houses last fall in more of a "what will be one day" type mindset, deciding what we liked and didn't like, could live without, would enjoy and HAD TO HAVE included. We toured a few homes, visited some without even getting out of the car, and more or less let it go for a bit.

When I finally moved home, we had decided it was time for him to get out of the house and experience life as a "man on his own" for the first time ever, so we tossed around the ideas or renting, buying or land contracts with apartments and condos for a bit as well.

With the aid of a family-friend Realtor, we began the crusade of homes again, usually striking out before we even made it in the front door. Then, like they say, it happened out of thin air...

...We celebrated two very close friends of ours birthdays on Saturday, May 21st. We played paint ball for the first time ever and after it and all of it's hilariousness, we went to a friends where Brian finally relaxed for the first time in a while, let loose, and drank a bit.

Sidenote- For those of you that know me, or us, this is a rare occurrence for him- as he's usually feeling the need to "DD" or drinking isn't really a big thing for him.
Birthday girls Amanda & Shannon at Futureball in Whitmore Lake, MI
Throughout the night I kept kindly reminding him that we had an appointment the next afternoon with our Realtor and that he should continue to have fun, but I was going to drive us home "soon." When I finally convinced him that another game of beer pong wasn't needed and we should go, we ended up leaving Livonia about 3:30am. I could only imagine his head later on that day, in the sun, and attempting to make decisions.

When we finally got around to the drive out to Brighton to meet Sandy, our Relator, at the first home, Brian's minor "hangover" was causing a slight lack of attention or concern for most anything. (We've ALL been there, this was just a particularly bad day to experience it.) I was anxious that this day would be very poor and we might want to call it off, but we proceeded on. When we pulled up to the first home, which I don't even remember picking out as one of the ones we would like to see, I looked at him and said I had a good feeling. We walked inside and everything was immaculate. Clean, cared-for and perfectly arranged to be moved into immediately. Brian and I both instantly fell in love. (Well I did at least.) We kept particularly quiet throughout the tour of the home, and more so in the gorgeous backyard. Expressing an interest in the home, but being very apprehensive in the "first time buying" process, we left and agreed to go look at the next.
We specifically drove separately that day, to be able to discuss our opinions in privacy. 
I remember anxiously jumping in the car, then pretending to act "cool, calm and collected," to not give myself away. I said to Brian, "If you could describe that home in three words, what would you say?"

Now this part, like the proposal that you'll hear about later, is slightly blurry. My mind was racing and I'm not sure I heard his EXACT response, but I remember him mumbling adjectives that confirmed my thoughts. I then exclaimed, "ASK ME WHAT I THINK!" like a 2 year old princess starving for attention.

I proceeded to tell him it was "our home" and I just knew it. There was something about it that really got to me. He said he could definitely see that possibility, but like every other purchase he makes in life, he would have to "research, dissect options and compare it to alternatives..." ((Ugh.))

The second home was old, awkward and "SMELLED TERRIBLE" according to Brian, with his keen sense of smell that day.

The third home, was not much bigger than Brian's current bedroom in his parent's home, so that was instantly out.

Meanwhile, we had been chit-chatting throughout the day and found ourselves calling the first home "ours" and comparing each home to it. We talked as if we already owned the darn thing.

While we were departing the last home of the day, our Realtor asked us to get in the car (where the AC was cool) to discuss the first home. She noted our extreme interest in it and said that if would like to make an offer we should do so soon, in that with the incredible deal and recent price drop, it was sure to be eaten up shortly.

Brian, probably internally panicking at this point, said we needed to "talk" privately and could we meet back up at her office that evening. Knowing throughout life that this defense mechanism was often used by my parents and Brian alike, to calmly tell me no, I was sure I only had one last chance to plead my case.

We got into his car and I went. to. town. I mean I pulled out ever aspect, detail and pro that house had. I conveniently guided my relentless pursuit towards his desires, lifestyle and dreams. (Sorry sweetheart, even though the basement is "perfect" for a man cave, it might be a while.)

He chuckled at me, had a few legitimate, concerning questions, but for the most part was completely on the same page as me- prior to my pseudo-Broadway performance.

Lots of meetings, contracts, addendum and emails later, we're in the process of buying our dream first home.

The area is perfect, the neighbors are delightful, the yard is plentiful and our family and friends love it. (Because any new place is a GREAT place for their dogs, parties, "get-togethers," etc.) It has so much potential for decorating and "accessorizing," as my mother is already planning. And we're RIDICULOUSLY excited to get into it.

I haven't even begun to decide "themes" or colors, which is probably a conversation I should have with B, although I'm not sure he cares much. But as the date quickly draws closer, we're open to any ideas, suggestions or DIY tips for it.

...And since it's not quite OUR home yet, even though it has been since day one, I'll hold off on pictures until we can start the album with the SOLD sign. <3

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