Monday, April 18, 2011

The Rest is Still Unwritten...

When I turned a ripe 18 I made several exclamations about my distaste for living in the small farm town, now covered with subdivisions and growing commerce, and how I would NEVER return home. I wasn't bitter, and I didn't have a poor outlook for any particular reason. It was just a solemn vow I made to myself. I just needed to do it for me. To say I've accomplished something and made something of myself.
Recently, that outlook changed drastically.
Friday marks the end of another chapter in my life. Friday, after four and a half years in Grand Rapids, I will pack up my belongings in the cubicle of my first career job post-college. I will turn in my keys to a company I have worked for for two and a half years and gave me my first shot. As the thoughts haze through a bittersweet stage I can only be excited for what opportunities I was given, what I got to learn, experience and be a part of and yet, what is to come for me. 

I have accepted a position with the University of Michigan Development & Events department in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Literally, with the aid of a friend, my resume got into the hands of the right people and within a week and a half an offer was made. I feel extremely blessed, fortunate and lucky to have been put in this position and cannot WAIT to see what the next chapter of my professional life has to offer.

Career aside, I can think of one big, blonde guy who is as absolutely as ecstatic as myself. Obviously a severe majority of the reason for my move, it will be the first time in almost two years I will live within 15 minutes of my boyfriend. An odd concept for myself to digest, I have grown to love, laugh and play with a guy, and made it work 150 miles apart. (Shocker- in all forms) Being so close is going to take some adjusting- inherently to my social life as a bachelorette in a city, to a small town girl back home after so long. I'm not ready to "run" into everyone from my past in the grocery store and the library just yet, but the distant thought of comfort makes me smile. Plus, Applebee's is going to get some new regulars after 9pm as Shannon needs to work on her HS Trivia odds... #rainman

My friendships won't dwindle, as that's always been a major staple in my life, and everyone knows that I can't sit still on the weekends. I'm thrilled to have met the people Grand Rapids living has brought into my life. I know I sound like a broken record but the blessings I've received in the people that I've come to know as friends in this city, I will be forever indebted to. I moved here knowing approximately 1.5 people and leave with a plethora of laughs, memories, tears and photos. From my GVSU days to my Outback days, from my pre-drinking age to my bar star years, to my good friends whom are scattered around this area to my co-workers, my life is so complete with every one of you and all of the memories we've shared. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you... for everything you've ever shared, helped or given me.

This city has brought a whole new aspect to my life, my outlook and my attitude. Once a huge "East side" advocate, I now find myself quite content with having experienced both sides. The weather, the commerce, the night life, the amazing opportunities for youth and young adults, the arts, the religion, the politics, the venues... absolutely everything has been simply wonderful. Brian and I shared many of our "firsts" in this city- museums, carriage rides, outdoor NYE celebrations, Art Prize, Griffins games, piano bar... the list goes on and on. Therefore I am assured it will remain important to us in our continued romance and adventures yet to come.
...And the DREADED "breakup"
99% of the people I've spoken, texted, emailed or confered with over my decision to accept this offer and move home has had an intial response, "What will Amanda do?

(Preface: I do not speak in third person. If you're new to my blog you'll quickly gather through the archives that Amanda is my roommate of over three years, my best friend and to most- my heterosexual life partner. Our relationship is quite odd and sincere in a multitude of ways. We hardly fight- rather at most, agree to diasagree on certain topics. People often think we're sisters and some have gone to the extreme of asking if we're twins. We co-exist freakishly natural. We spend time at home every evening, working out, going out, involving each other in our work outing as are usual "go-to" dates, we talk pretty much on and off all day on gchat, and spend at least one day a weekend in each other's presence, usually trekking on another adventure. I SWEAR we're not gay, although that is a favorite word in our lives, we just work out in never talked about perfect way.)

We haven't talked about it really- which is a common theme for a lot of large emotional situations between us. We're human and we're female, which pretty much sums up crying at least once a week to some Lifetime movie, or cute internet discovery- meaning, we both know how it is. She's told me she's happy for me, and I know she means it, it's just hard to realize that it'll never be the same- as much as we try. I could go on for pages, day and what seems like a lifetime of all that we've been through. I'd probably laugh and cry just a little more than I am now writing this, but everyone's who has seen us interact knows how we are. It's hard to think of not coming home to gush about our days, work drama, boys or Facebook discoveries, but we'll manage- I think. But in lieu of my departure, a few words for you Ging:

To my twin, friend and heterosexual life partner,
Thank you for everything. Without each other, I know we could have made it in this town, although advocating our East side love and king bed together truly made the ride worth it. My life, my love, my friendships and my faith wouldn't be where they are now without you. Thank you for being a staple in my everyday life. I will miss dinners, drinks, dancing and laughing our way through this life on an everyday basis, but it will only make our weekends that much more fun. I want you to know I think the world of you, who you've become and what you have to offer this life. If it wasn't for your job, and your awesome co-workers, I would put the pressure on hardcore to come "home" with me, but we both know it would be a losing battle. Our debauchery will continue on a limited basis, and for that I'm very excited. I still hope to party with KK and the clan at tailgates and shoeless bars, and use some personal days on events you may need a "date" to for work. I can't wait to continue planning all of our group activities with you via gchat and discover more towns like Lima. Keep the Dream and the 312 spirit alive for me. 
Love you. Night.

So homeward bound I will go. Friday marks the last day of work. Saturday marks the day where I pack up all of my clothing and bathroom belongings to take for the initial move. Easter Sunday I will spend with my mother's family in East Grand Rapids at my aunt's house then move back in with my old roommates, Theresa and Dave, until Brian and I figure out our next move. 

Monday, I turn a new page.


  1. You are one of the most amazing women I've ever had the privilege to call "friend". Good luck, lady. Keep in touch as you will be missed greatly.

  2. I'm so happy for you! I know EXACTLY what it's like to do a move like that too. I know you and Passage are going to be just fine and you'll see each other all the time. Plus, how SWEET is that job?? Congrats!

  3. Amanda, I have only known you for a year and a half, but the thought of you 'gone' hasn't really sunk in. You have been the foundation to much of the tone and direction at work, and always a caring and listening ear to all the 'quirks' that the environment brought. You will be greatly missed, but I rest-assured that (as long as I live in EGR) that you will be visiting your relatives and possibly walking by. May God bless you and keep you. May He shine His face upon you and give you peace. :) You are a wonderful person.

  4. I've already began studying my yearbooks...

  5. You deserve all of this happiness!! You are an amazing woman and I've always admired your professional & personal drive and your sense of adventure. I'm so excited for you to begin this chapter of your life --- you are going to do such wonderful wonderful things :) and of course...GO BLUE!!!
