Sunday, November 17, 2013

The grass is always greener where you water it.

Women are an insecure bunch. The ones who don't admit it, are lying. We're constantly try to live up to others standards, live a life of discontentment, striving for the next best thing, and sometimes going along with a theme or an idea of something we don't believe in, just to "fit in."

The trend that I've found myself in over the past year has been quite the opposite. I now only surround myself with the people who make me better, and push my beliefs to expand on new ideas and concepts. I date a man who makes me a better woman, and overall human, because it feels good to do good. And I strive for career goals, because that's who I've always been. I can't sit still, I don't do stagnate well, but by NO means am I perfect.
I look in the mirror every morning and notice the flaws, I constantly correct my own work (I will have re-read this blog at LEAST 25 times before posting it), and critique my routine. I challenge my own thoughts, judgments and decisions, and do a very large helping of self-reflection. I engage in conversation with friends, family and strangers alike about current events, politics, cause and effect properties and even a little shameless Hollywood gossip from time to time. But long gone are the days of drama, wondering who doesn't like me and how I can fix it. Gone are the days of chatter, judgment and caring about irrelevant things like dress, weight and hair color. Mostly, I do what makes me happy and try not to negatively affect as many people as possible.
Most recently, I have run into several messages that are extremely humbling. Women and men in my life stop to tell me how they aspire to be me, or live vicariously through me. While I'm extremely dumbfounded that someone pays enough attention to my "highlight reel" of social media that they sometimes want to enjoy what I enjoy, it is just that. My highlight reel; the great, glorious, braggable/laughable/shareable moments that I choose to share with the publics in my world.
I'm human, and to every fault of what that means.
I definitely don't know how I got here and constantly research about God and what it takes to follow and believe in him, since, well, there's no other theory in my mind that makes sense.
I definitely don't know where I'm going when I die, and that, when overly pondered, makes me wonder all of the silly human things that we think, Will it hurt?, Will I suffer?, Will I get a chance to do all of the things I want to do before my time clock stops ticking?
I definitely don't know what tomorrow will bring, just like the rest of you. I can't tell my future, although sometimes I selfishly wish I could.
I definitely do not know how to protect all of my loved ones from hurt and pain. I wish I could, I promise. I wish I could never see people suffer hurt, despair and loss. I wish I could heal wounds and promise a better future, but I can't do that either.
I definitely do NOT live an extravagant life. I'm not fancy. I rarely shop for myself. I own a whole handful of designer brand name things. I am definitely NOT rich.
I definitely don't have a perfect relationship. We fight, bicker, argue, and disagree. We are human just like the rest of you. We have bad days and need some alone time. We offend each other and sometimes hurt each other's feelings. We don't concisely TRY to do any of these things, but they happen from time to time.

::The grass is always greener where you water it::

So as I was thinking about the eloquent words some have used to summarize my life, and wondered where they were coming from, I came up with a few things I'm absolutely sure of.

I work HARD at my relationship because it's worth it. I have started down a journey with a man who is my best friend. And for every idiotic stunt he pulls, he pulls 10 heroic or romantic ones. Everyone sees the cute ones. The ones that make me brag about him. The ones that make me proud to call him a thoughtful, kind, selfless man. He's funny and cute (which I am reminded of daily by friends and strangers alike). He gets me, appreciates me and makes me want to work at our love. Friends say, "I want a Peter." While I don't want to minimize the fact that he is an incredible man, it's not a "Peter" every girl needs (insert numerous jokes here). Peter and I tell each other every day what we mean to each other. We constantly say "please," "Thank you," "I love you," and "I'm sorry." We try our best to be honest about our feelings and make it a rule to end every night happily. Long distance is not easy. I said I would never do it again, and look at us now. We both have chosen high-stress career paths, and thrive off of delightful chaos. SO believe me when I say this, it is difficult You have to CHOOSE to invest, if you find stock that you're interested in. Watering the grass makes it greener, not looking to the other fields and wanting what they have.
I work HARD at my job. Just like my love-loss in my recent years past, I lost my job in March and was stuck in a rut. A large rut. (Peter actually jokes that he picked me up when I was at my lowest to make a large investment for when I make the big bucks, and his investment will pay back in dividends with his early retirement- ha!) I went without a paycheck for THIRTEEN weeks. Yes, that's 3+ months from which I'm still recovering. But thankful for some pretty incredible people in my life, I forged the river and only a few ox died... Today I work for a communications agency I found off of an unmarked internet ad. It turned out to be one of Detroit's longest-standing and acclaimed agencies in the automotive business. It weathered the bankruptcy storms, and even recently merged with an equally great creative agency to bring logistics, event planning and graphic design and production in-house. I started on a prayer of just getting my foot in the door, and after five months of annoying enough people and applying for every open position that became available, I was promoted to Program Manager- Logistics, Ford Communications in mid-October. I now work on-site with our client at the Ford World Headquarters, alongside of the team of five others on the account. Yes, I travel with them. I laugh and enjoy my job with them, but there's not one of them from my executive director, rigth down to myself as the rookie, that doesn't work our ass off, put in long hours, last-minute troubleshooting, and give up some nights and weekends in the name of work. I do it because I love it, and I'm thankful for it.
The point is I'm strong, stubborn and normal just like the rest of you. I experience highs and lows, and I choose to be happy, because I would rather believe the glass is half full, than half empty. I'm not an optimist, I'm a realist. Nothing in life ever comes easy. I haven't been handed anything, just the rest of you haven't. We're all working hard at different things, and playing the cards we have been dealt. But that's just it; hard work.
You know what I don't have? Memories of a beautiful wedding and a handsome husband. Cheerful-playful children, running around, dirtying my place. A house or equity in land. But I'm not mad about any of these things. I don't want them because other people have them, I want them when it's my time, and right now, it's not. I'm not proud of some of my past mistakes. I don't tend to think I'm even 50% right, in all reality. Humility, shame, embarrassment, they're all incredible character builders. Publicly admitting I failed at something stings a little bit too, and that's happened a couple of times. I was depressed for a bit after my failed engagement. Some days, it took convincing myself to shower that day and I would consider that a win. Nobody wants to hear that stuff. Facebook doesn't want to read my somber music lyrics, or my anger cycle of rage.
And then one day, it's like you finally pick yourself and CHOOSE to be better.
The sun didn't just magically appear one morning. It was there the whole time; I just had the shades drawn- literally. It affected my relationships, my work and my overall health.

So to the people who want to live my "glamorous" life, don't sell yourselves short. There's a career out there for everyone, there's a person out there for everyone, and luckily there's always a second chance at life. I'm 6 weeks away from turning 28 and I've never been happier with my second chance. I've changed, I like myself. I go to bed at night at run through (6782351 checklists according to Pete) what could've went differently in my day, and which of those, I could've influenced more positively. And then I finally fall asleep and wake up to a new day, a new chance and a new opportunity the next day. Work hard for what you can control, and ease up on the stuff you cannot. And look around you. We live in a beautiful world, with incredible scenes. It's what you make of it. Water your own garden, lawn, trees, grass- whatever it is you choose to invest in. But make it your own, and something you're damn proud of.